Embracing Limitations
But what if our limitations aren’t meant to be escaped but embraced?
Living in Freedom & Confidence
"In him (Christ Jesus) and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence." – Ephesians 3:11 niv
But what if our limitations aren’t meant to be escaped but embraced?
Happy New Year! For the past few years as a New Year’s tradition, I have chosen a word for the year. A theme. A vision for how I would like to improve and live life in the new year. Past words have included: bold, confidence, savor, health, surrender, and design. This year my word is – Less. No doubt we can all relate to…
I have spent countless hours this past month bouncing back and forth between waiting room music and customer service representatives. In fact, this past month has been consumed with not just calls, but scheduling home visits, missed, canceled, or improperly scheduled home visits, and back orders all to replace broken appliances in our home. What…
As my son settled into place at the piano, I spoke with his piano teacher – “The doctor said he is fine to play if he is comfortable playing.” Without hesitation he began. He moved his shoulder to compensate for his inability to move his wrist. His fingers peaking out from a cast that ran from his…
Just walk into any store this month and most likely the first display we see is love themed. Love is in the air. February is the month of love. Valentine’s Day. What a loaded holiday. It can simultaneously bring joy and misery all in one. For some, Valentine’s Day is a reminder of how exceedingly loved they are.…
To best serve this community I recently posed the following question to a very engaged and loyal member: What topics would you find encouraging for me to address on my blog? She responded with three amazing topics I will address in the weeks ahead. And here is topic number 1: What books and steps might…
Every summer I fall for the same lie – summer is synonymous with a slower pace of life. School is out. Things will slow down. We can catch our breaths and relax. Then I blink and the days of summer are over as quickly as they began. Gone is summer and the illusion that life would…
Unless we are uber famous, most of our lives are lived behind the scenes. Out of the spotlight. Unseen. Unrecognized. Often unappreciated. In fact – behind the scenes – is the perfect job description for motherhood, especially for stay-at-home mamas. If we manage to do behind the scenes well, life is seamless. We appear put together. Food is…
“give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 – NIV Thanksgiving is almost here, yet if we walk into a store there is almost no indication of this. Instead, we are met with the consumerism of Christmas. It makes sense. Yes, we buy and prep for a…
One of the most well-known miracles of Jesus began with 5 small loaves and 2 small fish – the feeding of the 5,000 (John 6:1-15). Although 5,000 only accounted for the men present, not women and children. Scholars estimate the number fed was actually somewhere between 15,000 and 20,000.* Yet it all began with 5 small loaves and…