Embracing Limitations
But what if our limitations aren’t meant to be escaped but embraced?
Living in Freedom & Confidence
"In him (Christ Jesus) and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence." – Ephesians 3:11 niv
But what if our limitations aren’t meant to be escaped but embraced?
I have spent countless hours this past month bouncing back and forth between waiting room music and customer service representatives. In fact, this past month has been consumed with not just calls, but scheduling home visits, missed, canceled, or improperly scheduled home visits, and back orders all to replace broken appliances in our home. What…
We all long to have friendships. However, oftentimes we settle for unhealthy relationships. It might be because that is all we have ever known. Or we are so attached to our relationships, we are even willing to settle for dysfunctional ones. Whatever the reason, the questions begs to be asked – what does a healthy Friendship look like? Before…
Over the past few weeks we have been discussing loneliness, combatting loneliness, and friendships. Next week we will jump back into that series, but this week, Holy Week, let’s pause together and reflect upon the work of Jesus on the Cross. Easter. The completed redemptive work of Jesus. Jesus’s death and resurrection. The forgiveness of sins. In the…
Over these past few posts we have been talking about loneliness and how to combat loneliness. In my last post I shared how we combat loneliness and probably not a huge surprise, it’s through healthy relationships. Healthy relationships are relationships where we feel safe and seen. These relationships fall into one of two categories: Over the next few…
In my pervious post – An Epidemic of Loneliness, we explored the prevalence of loneliness and its negative health effects. But how do we effectively combat loneliness? The simple and yet simultaneously not so simple answer: relationships. Relationships give us connection. When we feel lonely, it is an indication that there is a gap between…
In a previous post I answered the questions – Is It Wrong To Feel Lonely As A Christian? – and I would encourage you to go back and read that post if you have not. This post – An Epidemic of Loneliness – is a follow-up to that post. I am going to go out…
Every morning at work we have a morning huddle. Since I work from I home I call in via video. We take turns sharing what we are working on that day and any issues with which we may need help. The other day I shared my goals for that day, hung up, and 3 minutes into my work…
Every summer I fall for the same lie – summer is synonymous with a slower pace of life. School is out. Things will slow down. We can catch our breaths and relax. Then I blink and the days of summer are over as quickly as they began. Gone is summer and the illusion that life would…
I recently heard Bob Goff quote Zechariah 4:10a on his Dream Big Podcast and it has been on my mind for weeks: “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin,” Zechariah 4:10a NLT This verse ties in beautifully with his Dream Big theme, but the more I reflect…