
Behind the Scenes

Unless we are uber famous, most of our lives are lived behind the scenes.  Out of the spotlight.  Unseen.  Unrecognized.  Often unappreciated.  In fact – behind the scenes – is the perfect job description for motherhood, especially for stay-at-home mamas.  If we manage to do behind the scenes well, life is seamless.  We appear put together.  Food is…


We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. Proverbs 16:9 – NLT For the past four years in lieu of setting New Year’s Resolutions I have selected one word and an accompanying Bible verse for the year.  The word and verse are meant to be a focus, an encouragement, and a theme for…

What a Year!

Happy New Year!  Here we are in 2022, a new year.  A blank page.  A fresh start.  There is something so exhilarating and exciting about a new beginning.  A new home.  A new city.  Infinite possibilities and  potential lay before us as we begin something new.  We chart our course as we decide what steps to take and what we create.   We decide who…

Limiting Beliefs

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7a NKJV Have you ever caught yourself thinking or saying: I can’t do that. – or – That will never happen. I wish I could say I never think or say these things, but the truth is – I do.  More often than I would…

Posthumous Guest Post – Walt Miller

Mentors.  What a treasure it is to have someone willing to come alongside us.  Someone older, wiser, and willing to invest in the next generation.  I have been blessed to have had such people in my life, especially during difficult seasons. Two such mentors, Walt & Jane Miller, will always hold a very special place…

Five Loaves & Two Fish

One of the most well-known miracles of Jesus began with 5 small loaves and 2 small fish – the feeding of the 5,000 (John 6:1-15).  Although 5,000 only accounted for the men present, not women and children.  Scholars estimate the number fed was actually somewhere between 15,000 and 20,000.*  Yet it all began with 5 small loaves and…