

Have you ever been restricted to one page?  A letter.  A resume.  We type everything out and it spills onto a second page.  So, we edit.  Eliminate.  But we just can’t seem to squeeze everything we want onto one page.  So we adjust the margins.  We shrink and squeeze them until we can successfully cram…

Who are We Handing the Microphone?

I recently heard a celebrity share on a podcast that they have someone who sifts through their social media comments for them.  They filter out all the negative comments and highlight the comments worth their attention.  The interviewer sarcastically responded with: “Wait! You mean there are mean people on the internet?!” Ok, so I have…

Liminal Space

Have you ever had a dream or a goal?  I am a planner, so I feel the need to always have dreams and goals.  Dreams and goals are great because they give us a vision.  A destination.  An aspiration. However, with any dream or goal we don’t instantly arrive, there is a process of becoming.…

Our Stories Matter

In April I met with a local news station to share my story of Sexual Assault for Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM).  It might not make sense to everyone, but I jump at every opportunity to share my story.  Why?  Because our stories matter.  Our voices matter.  They need to be heard.  Only one person…

Dawn is Coming

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5 – NIV The darkest night of the soul will not and cannot last forever.  Regardless of what has brought on this dark night, take heart my friend, dawn is coming! I know, because I have been there too. You are…

Proclaiming Hope

If you have followed me for a while you or met me in person you may notice the presence of various shades of teal.  My website.  Images I post.  Mailers.  My Bible.  My Yeti.  My phone case.  This is not by chance nor because my favorite color is teal.  I surround myself with teal intentionally…

Be a Phoenix

The Phoenix bird is a mythological creature that would combust, turn into a pile of ash, and then from the ashes be reborn.  For combustion to occur, heat, oxygen and fuel are required. For many of us, 2020 cranked up the heat and added fuel to already combustible situations. On some fronts, 2020 even felt…