
Combatting Loneliness  

In my pervious post – An Epidemic of Loneliness, we explored the prevalence of loneliness and its negative health effects.  But how do we effectively combat loneliness?  The simple and yet simultaneously not so simple answer: relationships. Relationships give us connection.  When we feel lonely, it is an indication that there is a gap between…

Safe Space

Hey friends!  Can I just say I pray for you too?  Yep!  I am so grateful for you and humbled by the opportunity to serve you through my blog.  When I pray, I not only thank God for you, I pray about how I can best serve you and that led me to this idea…


“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you…” Jeremiah 1:5 – NIV Have you ever had a conversation and it felt like you and the other person were not on the same page? Where everything you said is misinterpreted? I had one of those conversations the other day. They asked a question. I…