
In Christ – We Are Free

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

 Galatians 5:1 – NIV

My early church experiences were rooted in fear. Not that anyone had bad intentions. Rather, the focus was entirely upon rules. Rules may not sound fear base until we realize – what happens when we break a rule? In a rule-based religious system – fear becomes a motivator.

I heard it said once – religion without relationship results in rules. That was certainly true of my early church experiences. The emphasis was not on experiencing God, God’s love, or grace and mercy. The emphasis was on following rules.  What we do, or more importantly what we don’t do. Step out of line and one will experience God’s wrath and judgement.

Given my early church experiences, from time to time I have referred to myself as a recovering legalist. That said, I now walk in relationship with Christ and not the oppression of religious rule following. I am so grateful for the freedom relationship brings!

Gone are my fears of what will happen if I break a rule. Gone are my fears of God’s wrath and judgment. I walk in the freedom and confidence that I am loved by God. I lavish in his love and welcome his grace and mercy. Just as Ephesians 3:11 states, I approach God with freedom and confidence through my faith in Christ.

 In Christ we are free.

 Free from sin.

 Free from rules.

 Free from performance.

 Free from perfection.

 Free from fear.

 Free from worry.

 Free from religion.

 Free from legalism.

Free to walk in confidence that the God of the universe loves each of us! Free to walk in the confidence that we do not have to earn his love through perfection or performance. Free to walk in the confidence that we are no longer slaves to sin or slaves to fear. We are children of God, beloved heirs. Go fourth confidently in absolute freedom today dear friends!