

As my son settled into place at the piano, I spoke with his piano teacher – “The doctor said he is fine to play if he is comfortable playing.”   Without hesitation he began.  He moved his shoulder to compensate for his inability to move his wrist.  His fingers peaking out from a cast that ran from his…

Dawn is Coming

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5 – NIV The darkest night of the soul will not and cannot last forever.  Regardless of what has brought on this dark night, take heart my friend, dawn is coming! I know, because I have been there too. You are…

Proclaiming Hope

If you have followed me for a while you or met me in person you may notice the presence of various shades of teal.  My website.  Images I post.  Mailers.  My Bible.  My Yeti.  My phone case.  This is not by chance nor because my favorite color is teal.  I surround myself with teal intentionally…

Safe Space

Hey friends!  Can I just say I pray for you too?  Yep!  I am so grateful for you and humbled by the opportunity to serve you through my blog.  When I pray, I not only thank God for you, I pray about how I can best serve you and that led me to this idea…


A few weeks ago I likened this current pandemic season to signing up to run a 5k race, only to realize we had actually entered a marathon. Click on the video above to listen as I elaborate upon this analogy and what it takes to complete any race – perseverance. Perseverance is a process that…